Dear Friends,
All of us kittycats are going to be on the Bissell online photo contest for pets.
Mugsy gets to go first and then Maddy will follow, etc. For those of you on Spacehook, be sure to vote this week and next and next....
We are very excited to get the word out about the need for support of NO KILL Pet Rescue shelters all over the place. We are all rescue cats and think it is important that people know. Mia is sleeping beside Momma tonight on the sofa. I have been busy trying to get inside the garbage can because there is an almost empty can of tuna fish. It has a little bit of juice in it. I love tuna. It is my favorite food.
Maddy had been trying to get to the new froggy, Stergeo. She wants to play with it and chase it. Stergeo lives in the glass box with water.
Mugsy has run outside twice when Momma did the laundry. He did not go far and he meowed when he got cold. I think it is dangerous outside. I have heard scary noises. I think Mugsy is not very smart, but don't tell Momma I sez so. I am only supposed to say nice stuff about my siblings.
It is time to go to sleep now.